universal tribes

Universal Tribes products.
Universal Tribes was Estd. in 2017, eversince we are working towards the empowerment & Upliftment of Tribal communities in India. We have skilled artists & experienced farmers working along with us.

We ensure that tribal artists & farmers are preserving the artwork & getting an appropriate monetary value for the hard work they do. Tribal communities are already strong & rich enough in terms of art & health & as a part of this society, it's our duty to help them become economically strong as well. Our online & offline portals are there to feature tribal artists & farmers, to showcase the significant art they make & the beneficial crops they produce to keep this society healthy.


Our vision is to make every tribal artist & tribal farmer of India empowered. Uplifting them for all the socio economic activities of this society, we ensure that artists are indulging in art, keeping it alive & getting proper value in exchange for the hard work they put into making it.


Our mission is to enhance the lifestyle of our customers, tribal artists & tribal farmers.
We keep encouraging our tribal artists & tribal farmers to create beautiful artwork & healthy staple foods.

We've created digital & traditional platforms open to the world, so anybody could contribute by buying these amazing artworks & healthy foods .

We provide the desired value to our tribal artists & tribal farmers. We are making sure that your every single purchase goes for the empowerment & upliftment of tribal communities. 

Organic products. 
Organic production is an overall system of farm management and food production that aims at sustainab agriculture, high-quality products and the use of processes that do not harm either the environment or human, plant or animal health and welfare.

Universal Tribes - Working for the Empowerment & Upliftment of Tribal Communities of India.

Bharatrath is delighted to work with Universal Tribes. Universal tribes was established in the year 2017 by the CEO of the company Mr. Rajat Raghtwan for the betterment of tribal communities of India. And as the brand name reflects the meaning as "they are here to work for all the tribes", and now we better dive into their journey & this specially designed program for Tribals of India.

As we know, tribal communities are the aboriginals of this country & as time did pass, other dynasties & clans came to this land. Some of them grew as time travelled & upgraded themselves with the respective time frame. But the same thing did not happen with Tribal Communities & do you want to know why?

Tribals have always been kept away from & by mainstream society & then tribes had to move ahead with the same pattern of their lives. And this what kept bothering the founder of this company Mr. Rajat Raghtwan, that made him more aware of the fact that even being part of this society, we as a society are not working for the betterment of tribals & since then he did not look back & for sure he didn't see any " but why to work for them?" and instead he focused on "why not to work for them?". There began the journey of Universal Tribes & he took this pledge of empowerment & upliftment of Tribals with their vast variety of organic products & original artwork.

The main objectives of the Tribal Sub Plan are:

To reduce the poverty and unemployment of the Tribal.

To eradicate the exploitation and develop the remote areas.

To provide physical and financial security against any kind of oppression and exploitation.
The programs that come under the plan are:

1. To identify the remote and tribal areas.

2. To mark or set the limit and

boundaries of the remote regions.

 3. To identify the cultural barriers and bring development.

4. Promote change and assess the needs of tribal.

5. Assess the resources available and funds provided for the Tribal.

The Tribal Sub Plan was proposed on the basis that no development is possible without the elimination of exploitation in any field.

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